If you know anything about the gaming world or anyone remotely interested in it, and to be fair if you know anyone with a penis then you do, you'll be aware that the E3 exhibition was held last week and, with it, came the reveal of the new Xbox and Sony consoles. In fact unless you've been doing a Robinson Crusoe and have been stranded on a desert island eating nothing but coconut stew for every meal whilst talking to a volleyball there's a pretty good chance you've heard something about either of them in the news.
What hasn't really been publicised much, unless you move in certain gamer circles, is the upcoming release for Hyperkin's RetroN5 console. This isn't just a pure gamers console it's actually 9 consoles in one box!!! Whilst the likes of Sony, Microsoft, and the rest of the world have been looking to the future these guys have been looking to the past and have created a Frankenstein's monster that can play original NES, SNES, Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Colour, Game Boy Advance, Sega Megadrive, and Sega Genesis cartridges. Unlike other retro emulating consoles of the past the Retron5 utilises software based emulation rather than the cloned hardware emulation of the previous iterations making it more flexible and able to offer more features. Based on the Android Operating System the Retron5 will offer upscaled graphics output through the HDMI port on the back, improved sound through audio interpolation, and will allow users to save their games at any point (auto saving on shutdown so you can come back to your game at a later date and pick up right where you left off).
The Retron5 console has a total of 6 different controller ports so hardcore retro gamers can use their original pads to play or can use the wireless Bluetooth controller that comes with the console and, due to the software emulation, the user isn't even limited to using a console specific pad so you can use your favourite Megadrive pad to play Super Mario World till your hearts content.
How much for all this Retro goodness I hear you ask? No official price yet but Hyperkin say it'll be less than $100 so expect it to be around £80 - £100 if it launches in the UK (or if you can find one on EBay) and it's expected to launch this summer so dust off your old cartridges.
What this means for the price of those retro consoles currently selling on EBay remains to be seen, will they hold their price or will their value drop making them more affordable for collectors? No doubt the value of these cartridges for the emulated consoles will go up due to an increased demand so if there are any you want ready it may be better to look for them online now.
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